RADINOX® lips made in Germany. From Thyssen Krupp stainless steel. The best money can buy.
Sandwich compound – stainless steel
A fibre film is bonded between layers of stainless steel. This way RADINOX® permits lightweight designs in automotive constructions. It is an affordable alternative to aluminium. Only so much stronger!
Austhenitic stainless steel reduces weight
The austenitic grades, in particular RADINOX®, are well suited for car components. They become stronger as they are hydro-formed, spun or cold-rolled into any complex shape, and this strength helps to reduce wheel weight!
It is all about the looks
When it comes to wheels it comes to aesthetics. Any new wheel looks great in its way. But how do they perform on the road? No other part of the vehicle is under similar stress than the wheel. They are turning faster than the car is moving. No suspension protects them from potholes and speed bumps. They are the always the first to the gravel. RADINOX® is non corrosive. No lacquer to be damaged by stone chips or kerbing.

Kerbing Radinox
Not many wheels do withstand this!
Just imagine you live in an urban area of Germany. In a place like Berlin or Hamburg. These cities are packed. Your only chance is parking on the pavement. Driving up and down the bricks does ruin your alloys.
You are diving on low profile tires? Such as 30s 25s or 35s series! How easy do they bottom out? Just a hidden post hole is enough to impact your wheel. Elongation does help to eliminate the shock. Radinox absorbs the energy of such an impact for a safe journey.
Radinox curbbing edge

Radinox withstand curbing

Radinox marks the curb

Get the best out of your wheels
To ensure an excellent visual appearance please note the following extensive care instructions.
1.Wheels must be cleaned of brake abrasion regularly because here it is metal chips which deposit in hot condition on the wheel’s varnish. This could cause rust films. This cleaning should be performed after each use of the car but in any case once a week. Only care products or cleaning agents that are made for your car’s varnish can be used, do not clean the wheels with any kind of polish or anything that contains acid.
2. All outer rim wells get in contact with stone chipping – even more than your vehicle front – so these wells should be protected regularly (depends on your way of driving but in any case four times a year) with a commercial car hard wax.
Chrome connection screws of rim wells should be included in care instruction point 1 and 2.
For radinox wells we recommend our polish.
We wish you a high durability and a briilliant appearance of your Schmidt wheels – Your Schmidt Wheels team